Nov 10, 2007


In my personal opinion the "fine line" between exploitation/sexploitation cinema and pornography... should not, and realistically does not exist...

For instance, if one is going to watch a movie that falls into the sexploitation sub-genre, what is the appeal (to most)?

Naked bitches acting slutty. Duh.

If one is going to watch pornography, what is the appeal?

Naked bitches acting slutty. Also duh.

My point?

Porn and sexploitation are both the same thing, and I personally think that they both hold a significant place in the history of film, and even more so, in the history of societal moral evolution.

In other words, I really cannot understand the idea that pornography has some negative effect on anyone (except perhaps on the wife of a so called "porn addict")

I really don't know where I'm going with this...
I guess all I'm really saying is that anyone who has a problem with entertainment of any sort, whether it's violent video games, or videos of a woman deepthroating a horse, you should calm down. There are more important issues out there that you can hoot and holler about...

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